How do you go from two fun-loving, 30-something, D.I.N.K's. ~ to the parents of twins and survive? Hop on & enjoy the ride! (and hope they dont catch your hair on fire along the way!)
About Me

- Amydell
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Southern Lady with the gift of gab. Love a great glass of wine and good times with friends. Love my babies (twins) and my precious Southern man. Life is good in Texas.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
"Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."
- Ludwig van Beethoven
I don't miss that time in my life-much, until I think of you. Shelley- I'm so glad we've kept in touch.
Love you!
I hate to sound like a WINO-- But...
Hey y'all-- I broke down last night and made a run to Pei Wei- for some yummay Chx fried rice and Pad Thai-- I needed a yummy brite, cold weather (its 65 degrees here! hehe) Red- that would be great with Chinese-- well-- let me tell ya-- this is it! AND-- BONUS-- I found it at Kroger- for (must I utter the words??) 6.99 a bottle! HELLPPP me-- I'm gonna have to get more, LOTS more! This little "big" wine would be perfect for a wedding reception (hint to L!) or a lazy afternoon, with cheese and crackers- or with your fav. pasta dish-- also goes great with cheese sprinkled popcorn- which was my dinner tonight! :) Try it- you'll like it! Here are the vinters notes. Let me know what you think!
Crafted from California’s hottest red wine varietals, Rosso blends Zinfandel, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon to capture the finest qualities of each varietal. The backbone of Rosso is old-vine Zinfandel. It contributes the deep red raspberry, dark currant and spicy clove aromas and flavors that define the wine. Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon complete the blend, filling out the palate with layers of dark cherry and blackberry fruit flavors, and lending a hint of mocha notes to the finish. Enjoyable on its own, Rosso is also a perfect accompaniment to hearty pastas or seasonal barbecues.
Wine Facts
• California growing regions were selected for their distinct microclimates, offering qualities that lend to a balanced and well-rounded wine.
• The backbone of Rosso is old-vine Zinfandel, America’s “Heritage Grape.”
• Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon are sourced from the Monterey and Paso Robles areas for their specific regional qualities.
• Syrah provides deep color and suppleness, with flavors of black fruit and sweet mocha; Cabernet Sauvignon imparts abundant aromas and dark currant flavors.
Tasting Notes
The 2004 Rosso has aromas of currants, engaging dark fruit and spicy clove. The chosen blend provides for a core of dense blackberries, plum and rich mocha flavors, with a finish of sweet vanilla from French oak aging. Rosso is a culmination of blending all the right elements to produce a serious wine at an everyday price.
Food Pairings
Seasonal Barbecue
Rigatoni Pasta
Grilled Lamb Chops
Blend: 49% Zinfandel, 28% Syrah, 23% Cabernet Sauvignon
Alcohol: 13.5%
Released: June 2005
Crafted from California’s hottest red wine varietals, Rosso blends Zinfandel, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon to capture the finest qualities of each varietal. The backbone of Rosso is old-vine Zinfandel. It contributes the deep red raspberry, dark currant and spicy clove aromas and flavors that define the wine. Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon complete the blend, filling out the palate with layers of dark cherry and blackberry fruit flavors, and lending a hint of mocha notes to the finish. Enjoyable on its own, Rosso is also a perfect accompaniment to hearty pastas or seasonal barbecues.
Wine Facts
• California growing regions were selected for their distinct microclimates, offering qualities that lend to a balanced and well-rounded wine.
• The backbone of Rosso is old-vine Zinfandel, America’s “Heritage Grape.”
• Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon are sourced from the Monterey and Paso Robles areas for their specific regional qualities.
• Syrah provides deep color and suppleness, with flavors of black fruit and sweet mocha; Cabernet Sauvignon imparts abundant aromas and dark currant flavors.
Tasting Notes
The 2004 Rosso has aromas of currants, engaging dark fruit and spicy clove. The chosen blend provides for a core of dense blackberries, plum and rich mocha flavors, with a finish of sweet vanilla from French oak aging. Rosso is a culmination of blending all the right elements to produce a serious wine at an everyday price.
Food Pairings
Seasonal Barbecue
Rigatoni Pasta
Grilled Lamb Chops
Blend: 49% Zinfandel, 28% Syrah, 23% Cabernet Sauvignon
Alcohol: 13.5%
Released: June 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Beautiful day in the neighborhood
It was a beautiful day in the hood today. ;) The sky was brite blue, the temperature was OUTSTANDING 71 degrees- and tonight- its a nippy 65!!! I think winter has arrived!
Heights Pumpkin Patch
This is our real estate agents office, here in Houston. They have a yearly pumpkin patch. We took the kiddos this weekend in their "bee" costumes. This being very timely- since the Astros and their "killer b's" are in full swing. ;)
Look at my antennae!
Precious baby in his halloween costume. I spent half the morning de-fuzzing this thing and stuffing the rear- so his "stingers" would stick out.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Inmate gets abortion
Huh-- I'm conflicted about this one. I certainly support a woman's right to choose -- but I'm not sure that she has a wide (or unlimited) list of rights after she is imprisoned--especially if its at taxpayers expense.?? (Although- aren't we spending tax dollars to support other people in prison while they are incarcerated?) Hmmm... This Plus- if she was a heavy meth user-- would the baby be healthy?-- On the other hand-- this doesn't give her the right to kill the baby?
Growing old is for sissies
Was looking around Amazon tonight at some books- this one was interesting: Her photos are AMAZING! Check out this 67 year old hunk. Here's hoping that the genes wear off on B and he looks like his dad (whose an avid runner) when he's 70!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
47 lb rooster~ The 6 buck cluck
Must I really say it? I dont want to- but I think I must. I am a drinker of this cheap ass wine! ;) Its so good though! Try it out at your earliest convenience!!! It is one of the best cheap wines on the market right now- and impossibly hard to get at Specs, our local mega liquor store. Both B and I love it- and it is hard to get. We also love the Chard and the Shiraz- the Pinot is good- but doesnt really hold a candle to the others. Let me know what you think!
Just too Southern Cornbread
Okay- I know-- its freaking 90 degrees outside (STILL!!! for GODS SAKE!) but I decided that I was going to put my pumpkins out today and decorate for Halloween! With that-- comes a BIG pot of beef stew and CORNBREAD.. Hellooooo!!! Did I say its 90 degrees outside???!!! Anyhow-- I think I'll make this one- and I'll keep you posted on how good it is.
Onion Cornbread
From Diana Rattray,Your Guide to Southern U.S. Cuisine.
Prep Time :
Cook Time : 30min
1/2 cup chopped sweet onion
2 tablespoons butter
1 package corn muffin mix or cornbread mix (Jiffy or similar)
eggs, liquid, etc, according to muffin directions
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar or American cheese
In a skillet over medium-low heat, melt butter; cook onion until tender, but do not brown. In a mixing bowl, prepare mix according to package directions. Pour into a greased 8-inch square baking pan. Sprinkle with the cooked onion. Combine sour cream and shredded cheese; spoon over the batter. Bake in a preheated 400° oven for 25 to 30 minutes, until done.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Fantastic Furr!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005
SELL MY Freaking house!
Can I just rant a bit about my inability to sell my home? I mean for GODS sake! It may be in an "up-and-coming" neighborhood and might be close to a bizee street- but it is DAMN cute! I mean REALLY-- HOW many times must I lower the price? How many times must I call my real estate agent to get her to "come up with a plan".. I'm a darn planner-- man! I must have structure, in this unstructured, loosey goosey world. I dont do things on the fly. I stop, consider, wonder, consider again and then maybe decide to make a decision... I suppose its the Southerner in me-- maybe a bit of Libra-indecision-- but buying our new home, it seems is one of the only TRUE things I KNEW we had to do in our lives... Now-- we're paying for it. Lastly-- its not like we have bad taste-- this house is awesome. Its the people who are looking at it- that would rather have a "mc-house" and dont understand historic homes (100 years old!!) that make me wanna puke! Oh- real estate Gods, hear my prayer-- GET US outa here before the holidays! I really have designs on decorating a Queen Anne this Christmas-- and not having to be attentive to others sensibilities when it comes to my decorating for the holidays. Set me FREE of the handcuffs of two mortgages-- LORD, hear my prayer!! :(
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
The J.O.B.
E and I met last night for drinks at the Tasting Room (uptown park), with lots to chat about. Both of us are looking seriously about picking up new positions and needed a little 'gal-pal' time. I interviewed with a company yesterday and after speaking to several of my past work-mates who went to this company- they had NOTHING but fantastic things to say about it. It tugs at my heart though. My current set up is pretty sweet. I get to spend all day with the kids running around, and work from home. I get to see all of those "first's" that a lot of my friends get told about by their nannies or daycare staff. I dont know if I want that. There would be very little flexibility-- they already warned me/asked me if I was interested in "overtime" -- hmmmm -- red flag? Maybe... Opportunity to excel?? Maybe that too... I do miss the adult time that I enjoyed every day when I drove to a work site and sat in that dastardly cubie for 8-12 hours a day. More often than not-- my team had lots to get done,, but we played hard. This all being pre-children. I just dont know that I have the stamina.. I don't know that could leave the kiddies. Its a hard choice, wonderful opportunity -- and I'm "locked up" with indecision. Mybe I should wait and see if I get an offer? ;)
Monday, October 10, 2005
Oh Yummmm!!! This morning I woke to a light breeze coming in from the window in my room and the smell of rain... I cant possibly tell you all of the things that this reminds me of, but some of them have to do with New York. There's a "snap" in the air-- (finally) just as we used to get when I lived up in yankeeville. I loved it. Over the course of being up north for 5 years I learned the exact moment the seasons would change. It was more obvious up there. You knew when the seasons were changing-- trees would bloom or change colors, a foot of snow would mysteriously show up on the ground (my first winter there! Ugh!) Was fun- but cold as hell at the same time! Dragging my flight bag down a snowy sidewalk in the dead of winter didn't turn out to be as fun as I had envisioned it -- but running off to a flight in bermuda sure was! 1st rule of a flight attendant-- pack for all seasons! 1 pr of shorts, 1 t shirt, 1 pair of pants, 1 bikini, 1 cute slinky dress, one shawl, one beret (for Paris of course!--you could always get diverted! :)) I look back now and I see it as much more fun that it actually was. Of course-- this life-- my life, was before 9/11-- it was a more innocent time, in a more innocent Big Apple.
Houston has a more subtle way of warning me that the seasons are changing. Better for my Southern bones. Winter (usually) gently blows in over the course of a few days, and stays cool but not chilling, "hot chocolate" cold for a while. It gives you time to adjust-it kills mosquito's! (yeah!) More kids are outside (because its not hot as blazes!) and then Halloween knocks at our door. I guess I love winter in each of the places I've experienced it-- but I love winter more in the South. It gives me time to adjust, it "persuades" me to spend more time outside, it makes life in the hot south, more livable.
Women’s Hall of Fame honors Hillary Clinton--HUH?
Okay,,,WTF? I mean- for real... Hillary Clinton?? I noticed whilst reading this article that she is amongst several other very prestigious inductees- with super great credentials- What has Hil ever done to win herself a spot amongst the ranks of these other ladies? Uck!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Indian Summer
Today was one of those wonderful "summer in October" days in Houston. We like to believe these few days that we get in early spring and late summer are our little bit of heaven. It's almost like living in Southern Calfornia, but without the earthquakes! :) the killer "b's" had a wonderful day running around the yard playing in the sprinkler. ;) I guess it will be cold before we know it,, at least for a few days! :)
Wow-- That's a big ol' world out there bubba!
I know, I know, I haven't had much to say lately about anything,, other than the twins... They are all consuming-- and I think they've hit their "terrible two's" EARLY! (17 mos.) B and I took them out to several places this weekend- each time in an attempt to feed them (and ourselves)-- each time, we were met with opposition and SCREAMING! Kicking and general obstinance. Kat warned me about this (my GF with twin 2 year old girls)She said there was a stretch of about 6 mos that she and L didnt go ANYWHERE!!! That kind of freaks me out. I have always thought of myself as one of those women that once they had children (even tho it took us 7 years) that we would be packing them all over the city (or even the country) for Gods sake! The truth be told- we haven't taken them anywhere, really. The thought of leaving the house with them both now- by myself is terrifying. They are both mobile and not able to say anything but "agua" and "leche"-- and "shoe" and "cookie". Not really saying much else and without them even knowing their names--what if I lost site of them for a second? What if I was responsible for loosing one of them? Why did they let US bring them home from the hospital? I mean, really? They are so perfect and innocent-- its much easier to keep them at home and keep them that way!! I'm finding that more and more lately- I dont even want them around other kids that could/would infest them with their germs. Its a bit obsessive-- but I even carry antibacterial wipes with me in my bag and wipe down anything they touch. I know I cant protect them from everthing, but I am a bit freaked by this new avian flu thing that the prez keeps bringing up in the news. So-- the meaning of this long and boring post? I want to protect them. I want to keep them inside the window-- but I know, that certainly one day-- they will want to see more than what is inside that window. -- and that scares the shit out of me. Part of my prayers tonight? "God let me be a good enough parent" - "God let me love them, even though someday they will want to leave us- and have a life of their own," "God let me make it though them growing up."
Call Me Belle--
Grandpa and his Annabelle -- "Wow-- I missed you while you were in Korea, Grandaddy.." :)
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Pumpkin Patch
Its a Charlie Brown Halloween! & The "b's" are ready to party! ;) What a difference a year makes-- I cant believe just 12 mos. ago we were at this same pumpkin patch and they could barely sit up!
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Football, still a mystery to me
After years (9) of following my dh to football games at Texas A&M- and buying season tickets each year- I find that I don't understand or care about the game much more than I did the first time that we visited one of these games. There are a few things that I like about going though- the stadium for one.. Kyle field is an amazing place. The crowd of 85,000 (a full stadium) brings chills to your bones-- even on a hot day! Its an exciting place to be. The shiny cadets and their lovely boots are also a site to see! The band- one of the best military marching bands in the country is precise and grand. Their all male band leaders whistle and throw around batons with a gusto thats rarely seen on any half time football field. It always smells of popped corn, corn dogs and sweat.. Its always crowded and there is excitement in the air on game days. Most of all, I love to see the look on B's face when we walk through the gate and hand our tickets to the tcket taker. He's like a little boy- anxious and happy and eager to yell his brains out for the Aggies. Thats the part of football that I love--the parts that make him the most happy. Being with him-- and building another season of memories. I'm certainly not the gal to ask what the score was or what a first down is ;) ~ Maybe I'll learn that next season? I guess I better learn it before little B gets old enough to play the game himself!
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