How do you go from two fun-loving, 30-something, D.I.N.K's. ~ to the parents of twins and survive? Hop on & enjoy the ride! (and hope they dont catch your hair on fire along the way!)
About Me

- Amydell
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Southern Lady with the gift of gab. Love a great glass of wine and good times with friends. Love my babies (twins) and my precious Southern man. Life is good in Texas.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Social Media, who is missing the boat?
In the past few weeks- I've been tasked with looking into how SM can help the company I work for in the areas of channel marketing as well as retention of customers and leveraging our colleagues to reach out to others and "spread the good word". - wow! I couldn't have known the depth or the weightiness of that request- I'm glad I didn't!
This article is one that really hits the nail on the head for social media guru's such as Jeremiah- (look left and click on his blog!) and people who are using SM to reach out to others from a grassroots perspective. If only the people who are speaking about and using SM could articulate it and the necessity of it to the leaders of our corporations... We try- and someday- we'll hit the right nail- and drive it right in! I'm lucky. I work for a relatively small company (in the whole scheme of things) and having a constant influx of incoming employees helps with the whole idea of being "connected". We simply will not- (cannot) ignore the importance of social media in the space of business. When you look at companies like Starbucks, McDonald's, and Apple there is a presence that makes them more of a way of life than a company. You're not just getting a cup of Joe at Starbucks- you're buying an atmosphere, and experience. The really lucky ones can accomplish this type of brand presence and its not come by easily. The influx of wi-fi and wireless hubs into the Houston area is staggering! Companies WANT you to come, stay a while and "connect"... Hard to believe- but my favorite little wine bar is one of those places! (Luv you- Corkscrew!) Why, you can even step up to the counter at McDonald's and buy a Big Mac and get your wifi-on while you eat.
Seriously- the problems this presents are more than just lack of attention to driving while you whip out your Blackberry whilst getting on the 45 to head downtown from the Heights- (umm.. personal experience??) to getting some guy to ask you out on a date and LEAVE the damn thing in the car while your eating dinner (thanks for that little nugget Chrissy!) I cant IMAGINE dating now! The "need" to know right now- has trumped the idea of a little "mystery"- (Have I mentioned that I'm thrilled that I no longer am in the dating arena?? ;) Attention to details like calling in advance (The Wednesday rule) - have kind of flown out the door with the Tweets ;) Still- I believe that there is value in this new marketplace. I think that although it deafens some folks to the necessity of social grace- (which, inevitably some folks will always possess a deficiency of) it also connects us like no other generation has ever experienced. We're lucky- now lets figure out how to unleash this in the marketplace.
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