How do you go from two fun-loving, 30-something, D.I.N.K's. ~ to the parents of twins and survive? Hop on & enjoy the ride! (and hope they dont catch your hair on fire along the way!)
About Me

- Amydell
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Southern Lady with the gift of gab. Love a great glass of wine and good times with friends. Love my babies (twins) and my precious Southern man. Life is good in Texas.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Recent article about the Pumpkin House
I keep wondering why I dont "feel" like pulling EVERY LAST decoration in the attic out this week!?? Maybe its because we spent so much time on the house last year for the home tour? I did get a wonderful email from the head of PR for the Houston Heights Association- @Susan Love-Fitts with a scan of the article. Cathy Gordon, a freelance writer for Houston Lifestyles Magazine did a great job capturing the story- and we couldnt be happier with it! Thanks to everyone that helped us make last years home tour a fun event for the Houston Heights!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The pumpkin house is ready for Halloween!

We're getting ready this week for one of the best holidays we spend in our home, Halloween.
I'm warning you- don't get jealous now - Brooke and I spent most of last weekend hot gluing candy corn to anything that didn't move in the house. (I think the dog may even have some on his ear : ) These cute little candy corn wreaths are now melting in the 80 degree Houston heat on our front doors.

The kids got to visit the annual Greenwood King Pumpkin patch and pick out their favorite pumpkin.
Always lots of fun- although they are getting a little too old for it now :(

This Friday, I'm co-hosting a "witches luncheon" for the Houston Heights Woman's Club @ Stella Sola. The event is lots of fun (a membership drive for our ladies group) and a chance to get out of the office early on a Friday and party on down with some other like-minded grown up witches ;) This year- Ill be handing o
ff my title of "bad witch" which was bestowed upon me by a good friend last year. Lets just say- if you get the "honor" of a title (ie: good witch or bad witch) you get the privilege of hosting the upcoming years event. I think someone should have set my "friend" straight! Aggie football, tailgating, trick or treating, Halloween kids party and hosting a ladies luncheon all in the span of three days makes me think I need to take a ride on my broom now and head on outa town!

Houston will be a great place to be this weekend though- lots of fun things going on around the Heights and cool people to do it all with!
Have a spooky time and stop by for some candy!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Conduct? It's such a strict word
We've been battling conduct grades the past few days. I'll be honest-I expected this day to come. I wanted nothing more than to raise a high spirited, confident, smart, beautiful little girl- and that's what we got... I wasn't planning on the other
things that come along with being all of those things.

Before we got to first grade, she was the thoughtful-shy-and Witty girl. Now she's the beautiful, free-spirited, "I don't feel like reading" girl.. She's much rather paint or draw that read.. She'd much rather run and play than sit and study her site words.
Last week- she was given a citation at school for cutting in line in front of another student, and then later for smacking someone for making fun of her for getting in trouble. It's so hard to teach a kid to see the wrong in cutting in the first place, which led to the teasing and smacking. She's a hard one to raise. She kind of likes to dive into life- and "cut the crust off" as she see's fit.
Alternately- Bryce is pretty happy reading, playing video games and doing what we ask of him, as long as it doesn't require him to compete with his sister. If there is competition- it is usually heated. It's easier just to avoid all forms of comparison-although we did call out that ALL of Bryce's conduct grades have been excellent. (Which wasn't appreciated by the daughter.. AT ALL!) So, after being grounded for a week-she seems to be doing better. Although- a grounding for her is like a grounding for the entire family. It means no TV on at any time, no computer, no sweets, nothing but reading, eating dinner, laying out clothing for the next day and going to bed. It stinks! I hope that she'll remember those consequences the next time her high-spirit seems to get the best of her better judgement!
We've been spending lots of time in College Station, tailgating for home games. We had the pleasure of joining our friends Marylou and Brent for the Aggie Coaches night, before the season started 

Had such a fun time spending time with them and with the Aggie Yell Leaders! Whoop! :)
Heres hoping for a better week and no bad conduct grades! I'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Technology Parenting

September, 1972- Richard Nixon was in office, the first episode of The Price is Right was hosted by Bob Barker and the Vietnam war was in full swing. My mother was in the hospital, and had been for some time, recovering from injuries she sustained in a car accident. She's got a baby on the way, no nursery-outfitted to the nines, no "Babies R'us", no big deal. Thats just how she "rolled". Times were much simpler, right? But were they just her version of simple?
Flash forward to 2004, when we had our twins. Similar story, but my mandatory "incarceration" in the hospital on bedrest was to "cook" my twins a little longer and was very unexpected. I had the ability to get online wirelessly in my hospital room (Thank you Memorial Herman!) and have delivered a littany of baby products ranging from wireless baby monitors, Baby Einstein videos that were "statistically proven to make them smarter!", vibrating bouncy chairs, bottles, binkies, blankies, all backed up by customer reviews and forums with thousands of comments from parents who had recently purchased the same products.

What a difference 32 years makes!
Being a mom in 2010 vs. 1970's (from an information perspective) is the difference between drinking from a water fountain vs. a fire hose! The pressure to navigate the gauntlet of technical parenthood and make the right decisions is just one product review away from failure! Its amazing that my brother and I made it though our childhood without my parents ability to share socially with countless, faceless, consumers who had an opinion about what they were about to buy.
Its not easier to be inundated with information- its just more to wade through and think about. Thoughts?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Really? You hate heavy whites? Wine.. that is....
I've had it up to here with people complaining about Chardonnays and Viognier's, etc... There was a time, when my palette was much less developed- and at that time- I may have fallen for a Sauvignon Blanc or Muscadelle... I'm just so past that! I think you should be too.
Houston summers SUCK! (I mean- well...) they are torture! We have to get by any way we know how- in the heat! These are a few whites that will help you get settled into summer and deal with the 90+ degree days.
Here are my TOP 5 picks for "entry into summer" wines.. These are picked based on my taste buds- and some on Bills- but we typically agree- a bottle of "everyday" wine should not cost you more than $15-20 dollars, but more closely to $10-15. As my friend Chris Pietre would say, "dont hate, just participate!" I'd love to know what you think too!
1.) 2008, (Oakville California) Simpson Vineyard, "Miner" Viognier
Well rounded, plush, vibrant fruit (not tart) Apples, pears
11.00 Specs
2.) 2006. (Sonoma County) Parkers Estate, Chardonnay Reserve
Beautiful, some oak, apple and honey. Perfect for "front porch" entertaining- or with a grilled piece of Salmon. 14.00 Krogers & Specs
3.) 2007 (Santa Ynez, California) Bridlewood, Viognier Reserve
Moderate acidity, sugar, honey, oak (light) excellent "food" wine. Brie and honey.
19.00 Kroger (Probably cheaper at Specs)
4.) 2008 Bottled in Santa Rosa, Ca., Kendall Jackson, Vinters Reserve,
Tropical, oak, pineapple, mango, citrus- but not "bite-y"... Perfect Sunday afternoon in the yard wine.
11.00 Kroger
5.) (no year) Candoni, Prosecco Brut. yummy! 14.00 any close Kroger!
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
It's hard to believe my last post was in September! There have been many things in the works over the past few months- and taking the time to search and explore has opened several new avenues in my life. For one- the house seems to always be clean ;) a meal is mostly always on the table, if not, plans to get one are in the works mostly as a family. I'm exploring my inner foodie, and inner organizer.. (don't ask me where that's going, I still haven't figured it out!)
The last of the home tour decorations will come down this week. We were featured in a few write up's as well as in local newspapers and magazines that are specific to the Heights. Last week we visited a local place Thai Spice, on 19th street- and there were a few Heights magazines laying on a bench by the door. Bryce casually said as we walked by them "hey mama, there's our house!" He enjoyed it as much as we did I think!
We're busy making plans for the twins summer camps and activities and our yearly visit to Gulfshores Alabama- to stay in Beck Flacks fun and ultra cool condo at the Beach Club. I cant wait- and find that I'm getting spring fever already.. its only FEBRUARY!! ;)
I'm also trying out some new technologies like building a website for the Heights Woman's Club ( )and Google WAVE. It seems like a very useful technology. Esp. for project managers.
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