She grows more with each passing second. B said someting the other night that resonated with me-- "pretty soon- they wont even let us touch them- much less let us hold them in our laps and cuddle."
How do you go from two fun-loving, 30-something, D.I.N.K's. ~ to the parents of twins and survive? Hop on & enjoy the ride! (and hope they dont catch your hair on fire along the way!)
About Me

- Amydell
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Southern Lady with the gift of gab. Love a great glass of wine and good times with friends. Love my babies (twins) and my precious Southern man. Life is good in Texas.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Soccer, anyone?
So- I know- B has to get some exercise, I know he needs to get out with his guy pals and have a few beers and bitch that I've been sick and testy all week-- but does he HAVE to do it tonight? ugh! Babies are napping- I went to Wal-mart to restock the pantry-- and now I'm not going to cook at all, for one.
I'm "luxuriating" in my leather chair, reading my days email and listening to my voicemails having just shoved the electrician out the door. (Our panel, ((100 years old)) was sparking and cutting off my a/c units. ) Not a good thing in Houston, on a 100 degree day! I'm wondering just how many things young women my age (33 OMG!) do in a day?? Rattling them off at this point seems pointless and self indulgent, which is just what my mom always tried to talk me out of being. But it just never seems to end... There is ALWAYS something else to do- and always another repair man to beg to show up and fix something. Welcome to the world of old houses. ;)
I was thinking today of how much we will miss this place. Although, it is on a busy street and in a not-so-great neighborhood, we brought our babies home to this place. We rocked them to sleep in a nursery in this house that had been meticulously designed just for them. It seems kind of sad. I'm ready to move on, but the letting go will be hard. It always is though, huh? On to our next project and on to our next set of worries and "repair men" ;)
At least the freaking nanny showed up today... With stories of looters, no electricity and no gas. It made for an interesting first cup of coffee this morning.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
And she makes contact...
Okay- so I hate to be overly dramatic (but I'm really good at it!) The nanny called from a pay phone tonight about 7:30- she said she was planning to bless us with her presence tomorrow. Her alleged story is that she hasnt had power since last week, and that there were "looters" in her neighborhood, she was afraid to leave her home because she didnt want to get broken into. Huh..
1. She worried the crap out of us--
2. I had the shittiest birthday ever
3. I'm sick
So- all of these things considered-- I think I'll sleep on it- and talk to her in the morning. We have way too much history to fire her out right. I'm not looking for another mother for the "b"'s,,, I'm looking for someone to watch them while I work-- AT HOME--- Lets be real here..
family pic
I think I removed this pic-- because now the link isnt working.. Okay-- its too cute not to have up on the blog. :)
Man, am I cute or what? after a week of sniffles,, I'm finally able to catch a few winks.. Check out those "football" catching hands!!! My other favorite birthday gift. ;)
Get down!
She's a groovy one! Getting down, even when she's sleeping! ;) The best birthday gift ever!
Sneek a peek at the Beardshall's
Ugh... I'm sick.... Sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching headache... I cannot go on... Plus-- the best part?? The nanny still hasn't shown. I called her sons work today. He hasn't shown up either. What exactly does this all mean? Are they dead on the road somewhere? Do I need to Western Union her some $$? What the hell? In addition to me wanting to ring her neck-- I'm worried... I'm worried that she is the "b"s nanny-- what kind of reasoning and decision making skills does it take for someone who has been employed with us for the past year-- to give us a call and let us know that they are alright? Happy freaking birthday-- to me!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Post Rita- we're TIRED!
What a week! We've been around the world in just a few days it seems. The babies have fared well- and we're TIRED! I heard someone say the other day that "Rita was like Christmas break- we all drove a long way to get to our destinations, we ate a lot, we got bored and we got a ""gift"" but it was still dissapointing." hehe.. I liked that one! We posted new pics of Brooke and Bryce-- enjoying a day outside today. It was really hot- early in the day- and Bill and I thought we'd be able to sleep in-- because our nanny was supposed to be here at -0830-- she never showed-- never called- and she doesnt have a home phone-- so how the hell are we supposed to know if she's alive and well? We were both pretty pissed when she didnt even show the gumption to give us a call or to show up. We had a great day with the kiddos anyway-- its been 5 days since we left Houston in preperation for Rita. We went to my moms farm and held out there. Wasn't much of an "event" for us. Brooke and Bryce got a little break and got to run around and chase things, eat grass, and lots of treats via their nana. ;) Fun fun! and daddy got to watch the Aggies win against TEXAS STATE... The best part was that we had a free baby sitter- and got to watch from the Zone Club, thanks to our super great friend who hooked us up in the 12th man foundation office. So- it was like Christmas-- we had a great time!
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