We're getting ready this week for one of the best holidays we spend in our home, Halloween.
I'm warning you- don't get jealous now - Brooke and I spent most of last weekend hot gluing candy corn to anything that didn't move in the house. (I think the dog may even have some on his ear : ) These cute little candy corn wreaths are now melting in the 80 degree Houston heat on our front doors.

The kids got to visit the annual Greenwood King Pumpkin patch and pick out their favorite pumpkin.
Always lots of fun- although they are getting a little too old for it now :(

This Friday, I'm co-hosting a "witches luncheon" for the Houston Heights Woman's Club @ Stella Sola. The event is lots of fun (a membership drive for our ladies group) and a chance to get out of the office early on a Friday and party on down with some other like-minded grown up witches ;) This year- Ill be handing o
ff my title of "bad witch" which was bestowed upon me by a good friend last year. Lets just say- if you get the "honor" of a title (ie: good witch or bad witch) you get the privilege of hosting the upcoming years event. I think someone should have set my "friend" straight! Aggie football, tailgating, trick or treating, Halloween kids party and hosting a ladies luncheon all in the span of three days makes me think I need to take a ride on my broom now and head on outa town!

Houston will be a great place to be this weekend though- lots of fun things going on around the Heights and cool people to do it all with!
Have a spooky time and stop by for some candy!