How do you go from two fun-loving, 30-something, D.I.N.K's. ~ to the parents of twins and survive? Hop on & enjoy the ride! (and hope they dont catch your hair on fire along the way!)
About Me

- Amydell
- Houston, Texas, United States
- Southern Lady with the gift of gab. Love a great glass of wine and good times with friends. Love my babies (twins) and my precious Southern man. Life is good in Texas.
Monday, January 23, 2006
I love this blog.. I love that she is so right on.. like a fortune cookie! ;) I needed this quote today-- and SHE posted it!
Every new day begins with possibilities.
It's up to us to fill it with the things
that move us toward progress and peace.
Ronald Reagan
So I'm sitting here, at my desk- computer at hand- and being LAZY- I've already surfed this morning for at least an hour. Not really looking for anything- but visiting all of my fav. blogs and such. Reading about that poor Whale in London. What a freaking weird thing to happen, huh? So- after this, I think I'll run to Specs and grab Kat a case of vino to "thank" her for all the duds she brought over for Brooke. ADOREABLE! Can you say RL, Baby Gap & J&J? Not to mention like 6 pairs of shoes and the cutest PJ's I've ever seen in my life. I cannot believe how generous she and Lance are. They continue to amaze us- and the fact that they have 2 girls -- well,, thats a bonus for Brooke if they have one dress in purple and blue! ;) So- I need to THANK her- and generously! She loves wine-- I love free clothes.. Its a marriage made in heaven! ;) P and I took B&B to the park this morning. They played and played, and slid down the slides and got wet from all of the rain we've been getting. They loved it though- and I think they even got a little pooped out- because we just laid them down for their nap and I dont hear a peep! (bonus!)
Mommies night out is tonight for the group of 300 mommies here in the Heights that tries to get together once in a while. I dont usually take B&B to playgroups, just because they always seem to pick up a cootie-- but I like to frequent the MNO's just to see who's lurking on our message boards and who is participating. ITs all good fun. I think they made plans to go to the Black Lab: -- in a different life- I worked across the street from there- (Red Sky Interactive) -- which was a part of the "DOT COM" crap -- and we claimed the Lab as our place to drink and eat-- FREQUENTLY! Oh Houston- what a place... Did I mention that mom came into Houston for New Years and our 8th (count em!) anniversary? We watched the kiddos and we went to the SKYLINE for a night out. It was fun. Bills boss and wife came and our bestest friends D & L came too. Fun fun! ;) I'm hoping this week will slow a little bit- I'm working on deadlines and I'm out the door now to eat a few dumplings with Bill. I need to work on a project- and get back here with enough time to finish that up for "the man" this afternoon.
Write more later.
I'll be grown...
Before you know it! I hope its not out of the ordinary to sneak into their room at all hours of the night-- just to stare at them. I mean for GODS SAKES- he's PRECIOUS! And- he's growing more each day. Look at those Converse- his Grandma got him! I want to give them some sort of "anti-growing up" pill. They seem to say more and be more aware each day. My sister in law is expecting her twin boys in just a few weeks! Whew! I dont envy the work she and my brother have ahead of them! I thought B&B would kill us! How did we live through that? ;) But look at em now! Little people- that cant make us more happy than they do!!!
Shes growing at an alarming rate. Before I know it, she'll be sassing me and letting me know how little I know. The relationship between her and Bryce is adorable and they each learn to give just a little more each say and share each adult in their lives with each other. They break our hearts they are so cute! :)
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